1, 2 & 3

Alpha, Archer & Aslan, our sons.
余一,余相,余同,names we gave them that define them as well as define us.
But then, there are large portions of their lives that are still open for definition.
We hope those parts will be equally well defined.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Thinking outside of the box

Alpha coloured a trouphy and pasted it on the window. However, he pasted it outward, so that "other people can see it".


Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I encountered a robbery tonight as I was dining in a McDonald here in Jacksonville. I didn't see the robber came it. When I noticed him, he's robbing the purse of a lady about 4 tables down, and then he ordered a man waiting in line to buy food to give him his watch. He robbed the cash registers and left through the back.
I was safe. I didn't lose anything. The robber didn't even walk over to my side.
The lady who was robbed is dining with her 2 sons, one is 7-8 years old, the other is 3-4 years old. The younger son didn't know what happen, but the elder son is so freightened that about 2 minutes after the robber left he suddenly cried hyterically. I was frightened too, but I can mostly contained myself.
I am thinking, if Alpha or Archer is here, what will I do to protect them? Will Alpha know what happen and be frightened?
I hope that they'll never have to go through this.
