1, 2 & 3

Alpha, Archer & Aslan, our sons.
余一,余相,余同,names we gave them that define them as well as define us.
But then, there are large portions of their lives that are still open for definition.
We hope those parts will be equally well defined.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Alpha pretends to be a rock star

Alpha is to be a rock star these 2 days. He saw that in Barney's video. Because rock stars have "sparkly stuff" near their eyebrows, so Alpha wanted me to stamp the end of his eyebrows with Miney Mouse stamp. Because rock stars have make up, so he wanted a stamp print on each of his cheek too. Yes, he wore 4 stamps on his face all day.



Thursday, March 08, 2007

Archer feeds himself


Sunday, March 04, 2007

A weekend full of flu

Both children and I are sick. Didn't get much sleep last night. I believe I woke up every hour to make sure that Alpha had his blanket on, or his temperature was alright, or to verbally comfort Alpha that I was there with him. At 6 am, he said in English, mommy, I need some milk. Told him that I need to go over to 3655 to get some. He said he would wait for me. After the ordeal, when he laid down in bed again, he said, mommy, you really love me. How sweet!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Bringing Alpha to McDonald


Archer waves bye bye
